Profile picture

Dr. Ka Ho TAM

I am a full-stack software developer with a background in biomedical engineering from Oxford University. I have experience developing cloud platforms and machine learning models for healthcare, and as I transition to Houston, I'm eager to contribute my skills to innovative projects.


Programming Languages

Javascript badge
Node.js badge
React badge
Next.JS badge
TypeScript badge
Jest badge
Python badge
Pytorch badge
Pandas badge
C++/C badge
C%23 badge
Java badge
PHP badge


MySQL badge
MSSQL badge
DBeaver badge
NoSQL badge
PlanetScale badge
Prisma badge

Management and Methodologies

Agile badge
Azure DevOps badge
Linear badge
ISO 27001 (InfoSec) badge
Patents Filing badge

Machine Learning / Computer Vision

OpenCV badge
Bayesian Neural Networks badge
Representation Learning badge
CNNs (Various) badge
Ray Tune (Hyperparameter Optimization) badge
OpenAI APIs badge

Dev Tools / Platforms / Frameworks

NET badge
Git badge
Google Cloud badge
Vercel badge
Docker badge


DICOM badge
Biomedical Imaging badge
Histopathology badge
HL7 badge
IHE Standards badge


Other Software


EPSRC and MRC Grant


PhD Scholarship Grant Number EP/L016052/1

Ken Allen Prize


Awarded to the top five physics graduates for academic excellence at Imperial College London.

